P90X Week 5 – Let’s Do This

So last week’s P90X training didn’t go as planned, but I’m ok with this. In my defense, it was the planned slow week and I did ok in the beginning of the week, but Thursday and Friday got all crazy. You see, I started working part time (2 days a week) and I just didn’t have time to fit in my workouts. And then Saturday and Sunday, well, they’re always just ridiculous around here, so yeah, not a lot of P90X-ing going on for the last 4 days.

I did start running this week!!! Aaah it’s like coming home again!! Strap on the running shoes, plug in the earphones, crank the tunes and just GO! This is my personal “time out”!! Oh how I’ve missed them. I fit in two runs last week and this week I plan on 3, which is what the Doubles P90X Plan calls for. YES, I’m going to try to do the Doubles. I may need resuscitation after, but I’m going for it!

As for the diet situation… I’m doing great with eating healthy. It’s easy for me being that I LOVE VEGGIES!! I load up the fridge with colorful veggies and eating is a piece of cake… well, you know what I mean. I am still doing the Dr. Oz test for dairy intolerance, and I have to say, I am feeling much better. I think I may just continue to eat this way, since I see no down side. I enjoy Almond Milk and Soy Yogurt, and surprisingly I haven’t missed cheese, much. Now to be completely honest… I am still eating feta. But, it’s because no one else in my family eats feta and I can’t stand to throw away a pricey cheese. But, once it’s gone, it’s gone!! I won’t buy anymore. The bonus is that I’ve lost a few lbs in the process. That’s not my #1 priority, but I’ll take it! Who wouldn’t? I mean bathing suit season is rapidly approaching and I plan on rocking my bikini/ tankini/ one piece by my girls’ weekend in April. Yeah, that’s right Mama’s gonna “suit up” and in the words of Barney Stinson, “It’s gonna be legend-… wait for it… and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!”

Plans Change… We Must Adapt

We all know that even the best laid plans must be altered due to unforeseen circumstances. But, that doesn’t make it any less annoying!!

As you may remember, I have committed to running a marathon this year as one of my resolutions. I would love to do the New York City Marathon, but chances are slim that I’ll win that lottery. So, I had decided that my back-up plan would be the St. Augustine Marathon in November. Well, imagine my surprise when I went to their webpage to check the date and registration information and there’s NO MARATHON!!!! WHAAT?!? Yeah, this year they are only having a 5K, 10K and 21K (or half marathon). BUMMER!!! So what’s a marathon girl to do? Well, I went searching for another marathon, and the only thing I can find that works with my schedule is the Disney Marathon in January, 2013. Does this mean my resolution is a bust already? That depends on how you think about it. I like to say it’s an issue of semantics. Will I have completed the marathon by December 31, 2012? No, but I will have trained for it, and that’s the hard part! Right?

The other change is in the P90X Training program I’m doing. I’m into week 3 and I truly believe it’s working, but I’m a little bored. Oh, and Tony’s voice is grating on my last nerve!!! Yeah, I’ve hit my wall, not with the program but with him. So I’ve decided to not do the video and just do the exercises on my own. And, I even created my own plyometric, interval and ballet workout routines to replace his plyo, shoulders & arms and that stinking kenpo routines.  So, is it really even P90X? Technically, no, but I’m much happier because I don’t have to listen to his voice anymore!!! And my workouts are way harder than his! Stay tuned… I may post my workouts at some point. I have to make sure they work first!!!

P90X Update: Week 2

OK, Week 2 is DONE!! WoooHooo!!! Yep, I’m still on target as prescribed… everyday workout, with Sunday as a stretch day. I feel GREAT, and I’ve even lost a few lbs too! This week was much easier than last. That would be proof that I’m getting stronger.

So I have a confession…Truth: I dread the 90 minute Yoga! I know, it sounds like an easy day, especially because I LOVE yoga. But it’s not my kind of yoga. It’s about a gazillon chaturangas, warriors and up & downward facing dogs. Then, after your completely exhausted and thinking you’re about done, you go right into balance poses. It’s really hard to balance when your legs are shaking with exhaustion. I admit, I did much better this week than I did last week, but it’s still hard! And yes… I did face plant a couple times during the crane pose. It wasn’t pretty!

So this is week three and the last week of this schedule. Yippeee!!! Week four has Yoga X two times??!?!?! Ughgh! I think I can… I think I can… Say it with me!!!!

I’m now a P90X-er!!

So I’ve been hearing of the P90X fitness program for years. Yeah, I’ve looked at it briefly over the years, but just never felt like investing the $$. Not that it’s crazy expensive, but $140 for a set of DVD’s that are just gonna look pretty on the entertainment center is an investment I don’t care to make! So, why now? Well, I happened upon a set of the videos… FOR FREE!!! Yeah, FREE… So I took this as a sign, that I should get my arse moving!!

Today is Day 5 and I’m feeling GREAT!!!! Who knew that 5 days could make me feel SO much better?! Don’t get me wrong, I’m sore, make that SUPER SORE! But I LIKE IT!!!! And I’m also eating better. MUCH BETTER than this time last month, when I was ingesting mega amounts of Christmas cookies. Blech! Now I’m eating regularly and mostly clean foods. I’m also following my food intake with the Lose It! app that I wrote about previously… here. If you haven’t downloaded this app yet, DO IT NOW!!!! It’s the most amazing app that not only teaches you how to balance calories in and calories burned, but also, holds YOU accountable for your own weight loss or gain. Yes, I’ve been known to take a late walk around the block, or run up and down the stairs for 15 minutes just to burn off those extra calories I HAD to have!! It works, really!!

So, for those of you wondering if I’m still running… YES, sort of 🙂 I’ve actually been too sore to run this week, but I am fully intending to pick up my mileage (which won’t take much) next week. And now that I’ve written it, I must DO IT!!! After all, I do have a marathon to run this year!!!