The Tutus

So many of you have been asking to see the tutus we made for the Princess Half Marathon, so here goes! Now keep in mind that the pics I have were taken from an iphone so they are not the best quality pics. Oh, and it was REALLY EARLY in the morning, so please ignore my tired face!

The Princesses succeed!!!

WE DID IT!!!!! Wooooohooooo!!!! Yes, we actually woke up at 3:00AM!!!! Amazing, right?!? Oh, yeah… and we finished the Princess Half Marathon. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

It was quite the weekend! 17,000 princesses, a couple princes and a couple of Survivor celebrities, gathered in the wee hours of the morning in the parking lot at EPCOT to set out on a 13.1 mile adventure around Disney property! Don’t ask me where we ran…I don’t remember, other than through the castle at Magic Kingdom, oh and up that MAJOR HILL in front of the Contemporary Hotel. The rest…as they say… is a blur!!! Probably, because we took my Mother-in-law’s advice and  “made a game of it”. We ran/walked the entire race on a 3 min/2 min ratio. It was a great way to pass the time, but it didn’t stop the “WALL” from hitting us square in the face at miles 10, 11 and 12!!! (Yes, three walls…well, there were three of us!) But we persevered and pushed on, with the help of the cheers from the crowds that lined the road!! Ummm, did I mention that we had no peeps rooting us on? No? Well, evidently, our adventure wasn’t enough inspiration to get our peeps out of bed!!! Don’t worry, we’ll be milking that one for a very long time!!! Anyway…we eventually crossed the finish line TOGETHER!!! We got our medals, food and drink, pictures and poof…we turned back into pumpkins…or are we the rats? IDK, but you get the idea! The magic ended immediately after we exited the finishers’ area.

Imagine 17,000 princesses, sweaty and smelly, limping back to their vehicles all trying to exit the parking lot at the same time!!! Yeah, you get the picture! GRIDLOCK!!! We sat for a good 20 minutes before we even moved an inch!! UUGGHHH!!! Eventually… maybe 30-40 minutes later… the magic happened and we started moving! Note to self: run faster so you get out before the crowd!!!!

Check out the daily deals at Groupon!!!


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Tutu’s Are Done!!!!

And without a moment to spare…I finally finished the tutu’s!!!! It was not the easy feat I expected, what with my stupid sewing machine HATING the tulle we chose!!! Oh, and the elastic…yeah, it HATED my sewing machine!!! No one was playing nice!!! So I had to alter the plan yet again!!! So, we ended up with hot pink, “out to here” tutu’s that will definitely stand out in the crowd!!! Now… what about a Princess crown?!?!?

Tutu Making Day!!

OK, so we’re going to attempt to make our race tutus today!!! Wooooohoooo! Or shall I say La-Ti-Da!! We have the tulle, elastic and ribbon, all that’s left to do is devise a pattern… or at least a plan. Of course, we’re going to run first, then come back and sew, which could be a mistake, but we’ll see! I’ll post an update later! Wish us luck!!!


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What’s a Princess Wear to a Half-Marathon?

We have 10 days until Disney’s Princess Half Marathon and the pressure is ON!!! The running and stretching… and running and cross-training… and running and sewing!!! Yes… I said sewing! You see, while we are excited about the actual running part, we are a tad obsessed with what we are going to wear! As any Princess should be, right? RIGHT!!

Almost immediately after signing up for the race, we started discussing what we should wear for the run. We went from full-on Princess costumes to

glass slipper running shoes & crowns

and now I think we’ve decided on running tutu’s!!!

But have you tried to find 3 adult sized, G-rated tutus for a reasonable price…that can be shipped in time for the race? No? Well, let me tell you, it’s difficult!!! Especially the G-rated and reasonable price part!!! So… seamstress that I am… or rather pretend to be… I am making the tutu’s!!! WOOOOOHOOO!!!!

We went to JoAnn’s and picked out a beautiful hot pink tulle, and all the accoutrement to make these seemingly simple tutu’s. OH… and I had COUPONS!!!! So, for the supplies for all 3 tutus we paid $9 total! That’s $3 a piece!!! Woop Woop!!! We’ll see exactly how many hours it takes me to construct these little jewels!

Stay tuned for the tutu-making tell-all post….I’ll even include pictures! Here goes…

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Princess Race Details

So, I told you that we were doing the Princess Half, and like magic the Race Packet Information magically appeared in my email box! It’s like the Disney Princesses read “Mom Can Run?” HAHAHA!! Anyway…I was browsing through the information & tips and started to get a little concerned about our hasty decision to partake in this 13.1 mile torturous trek! I mean are they trying to scare the bajeeses out of us?

Initially, I was really excited to read all the information and get myself pumped up and ready to go!!! But then I read that we have to be up and on our way from our hotel (which is 3 miles away) to the EPCOT parking lot at 3:30AM…WHATTTT! The last time I was up at 3:30AM I was birthing my daughter! WHY SO EARLY?!?! Don’t you know that all of us need our beauty sleep? Oh I forgot, they’re Princesses… they don’t need beauty sleep! UUGGHH!!! They also say not to really sleep the night before the race, just to rest… WHATTTT?!? I am about to run 13.1 miles, I intend on SLEEPING my normal 7 hours!!!!

Oh, and they say not to eat full meals the day before the race, just eat snacks all day. WHAAATTT?!?!?! I signed up so I could go to the mega-mounds-o-pasta party the night before the race… and now the Princesses tell me that that’s not happening?!?! AARRGGHHH!!!

Oh and THEN I read that my “peeps” or as they refer to them the CHEAR Squad,  have to PAY a fee to get a seat at the finish line. WHAAAATTT?!!? Is it not enough to ask them to …1. get up at 4:30AM to make it over to the start line to get pictures of us, 2. then jump on the monorail and cruise over to the Magic Kingdom to snap a quick shot of us running past them on Main Street, 3. jump back on the monorail and head back over to EPCOT to try to catch a glimpse of us crossing the finish line?!?!?! Now we have to make them pay $$ for this? Needless to say… we will not have any peeps at the race!!! FROWNY FACE 😦

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Disney Princess Half Marathon

Hello! I know its been a very long time, but I’m still hitting the pavement! In fact, we just signed up to run in the Disney Princess Half Marathon!!! WWWOOOHHHOOOO!!!! Are we ready to run 13.1 miles? Hell NO!!! But, we should be ready to run/walk. We even made a plan! No, really… we have a plan!!! And we’ve been training according to the plan. We are going to run the first and last mile and then we are going to do a 3minute run and a 2minute walk!!! We’ve been doing this for a few weeks now and it’s actually REALLY FUN! It’s like my Mother-in-law always said…everything is more fun when you make a game of it! So make a game of it we will do!!!!

Stay tuned for more updates on our Princess Half!! Including the ever important wardrobe question…what ever does a princess wear to run a half marathon? You’ll even be able to vote for your favorite outfit!

PS – I have accepted a challenge to post once a day for the rest of the year! So comment my posts with encouragement and ideas! Help keep me writing!!!

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